Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Homework for Thursday

ENG 115 Homework for Thursday May 10:

1. Write eight complete sentences, one for each verb in the vocabulary for unit 6. Make sure you have a subject and a verb in each sentence and that the sentence is a complete sentence.  If you have done this already , please check your work to make sure that your sentences are complete sentences.  Once you have written and checked the eight complete sentences, please share with Austin and with Leanne.  Leanne wants to see that you are writing complete sentences.

2. To get more practice with using "like" in different ways, do the following exercises (we will check these in class on Thursday):

i) Exercise 6 - 1 -- #2
ii) Exercise 6 - 1 -- #3

3. To get some practice with using sentences that have a comparison in them, do the following exercises (we will check these in class on Thursday or Friday):

i) Exercise 6 - 2 -- #2
ii) Exercise 6 -2 -- #3

Also, please read the notes for Grammar 6 - 3.  This section of the grammar is about using the superlative (the best, the fastest, the most beautiful) -- we will discuss this on Thursday in Class and do exercises.

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